Monday, 27. March 2006

spring spring

i finally handed in my BAK-work, after procrastinating the deadline twice....but as for the content i'm content ^.^

now just the interview...and i'm free for some time...
well actually uni work is awaiting me

...AND: perhaps a practice in the museum i wanna work-
MY DREAM of working THERE perhaps comes true!!!!

for the last days i just thought of HIM. of his lips, of his eyes, of having his dick in me, in my mouth, filling me....
am i in love?
i don't know- i think of fucking him all and all over again...
evi said something interesting:
she said, she believes that what i'm really looking for is not an one-night-stand. she said, that actually it is degrading for each side...
another friend said- she never got an orgasm when she had an one-night-stand, because most of the men, were simply egoistic pigs, satisfying only their lust, and not even thinking to fist or lick the still horny women beside them after they came....
evi said- what i look for is an affair- just having fun without being bound....

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