Saturday, 25. February 2006

He calls himself GREATEST Lover


(sections of sms-correspondence):

Fri, 17:14
do you want to spent the night together?

GL said Sat, 00:22
I really long for a menage a trois...

two men?

decide yourself quicklier, otherwise i sleep away....

GL said 00:36
with two men i already had one. It’s time for something new... But today it’s not workin anyway...

That’s unsexy. I don’t like to wait....tomorrow i’ll get perhaps my period or have no lust.

Sat, 07:56
wet submissive geisha waits for horny samurai. Come and drive your sharp sword deep in me! This is your last chance, since tomorrow other guests are coming, whom i will serve...

GL said 08:24
if it will be a menage a trois, with pleasure

gladly. After we fucked normally - but for the first, i dont wanna share ^.∼

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